

Attention : MahaDBT Applications Acceptance (New and Renewal) for the Academic Year. 2024-25 has commenced from 25’th July 2024
Sr. No.Name of ScholarshipCategoryYearNotificationApply Now
Scholarship at VJTIClick Here
1)MahaDBT Scholarship
i) Government of India Post-Matric Scholarship
ii) Post-Matric Tuition Fee and Examination Fee (Freeship)
iii) Post Matric Scholarship Scheme (Government Of India)
iv) Vocational Education Fee Reimbursement
v) Post Matric Scholarship to OBC Students
vi) Post Matric Scholarship to SBC Students
vii) Post Matric Scholarship to VJNT Students
viii) Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to OBC Students
ix) Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to SBC Students
x) Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to VJNT Students
SC, ST, OBC, VJNT, SBC2024-25NoticeClick Here
2)Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh
Shishyavrutti Yojna
OPEN, EWS, SEBC2024-25NoticeClick Here
3)Scholarship Scheme for State Minority Communities
Pursuing Higher Professional Education(DTE)
Muslin, Sikh, Buddhist,
Christian, Jain & Jew
2024-25NoticeClick Here
4)Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Sarathi Uccha Shikshan
Deshantargat Shishyavrutti Yojna
Maratha, Kunbi, Maratha-Kunbi
& Kunbi-Maratha

Selected Student List
Click Here
5)Bharatratna Dr. Babasaheb Aambedkar Swadhar YojnaHostelite Students - SC
(Boy's & Girl's)
2024-25NoticeClick Here
6)Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Swayam YojnaHostelite Students - ST
(Boy's & Girl's)
2024-25NoticeClick Here
7)Dnyanjyoti Savitribai Phule Aadhar YojnaHostelite Students - OBC, SBC & VJNT
(Boy's & Girl's)
8)Swayam Yojna Dhangar Category studentsHostelite Students - VJNT Dhangar
(Boy's & Girl's)
9)Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh Nirvah Bhatta YojnaHostelite Students (Boys & Girl's)
OPEN, EWS, SEBC, Muslin, Sikh,
Buddhist, Christian, Jain & Jew
2024-25NoticeClick Here
10)Post-Matric Scholarship for persons with disability
(State Government)
Physically Disable 2024-25NoticeClick Here
11)AICET Pragati Scholarship SchemeOnly for Girl's students2024-25NSP OTR NoticeClick Here
12)AICTE - SWANATH Scholarship Scheme1) Orphan OR
2) Either or both parents died due
to Covid-19 OR
3) Wards of Armed Forces and
Central Paramilitary Forces martyred
in action (Shaheed)
NSP OTR NoticeClick Here
13)AICTE - SAKSHAM Scholarship Scheme (Central Government)2024-25NSP OTR NoticeClick Here
14)Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Merit Scholarship
(All Over Maharashtra 100 Students)
SC & Nav-Buddha2024-25Notice
Renewal Notice
Renewal Application
Student Progress Report
15)Primary School Teacher Concession Scholarship (PTC)
Secondary School Teacher Concession Scholarship (STC)
Parents should be Primary/
Secondary Teacher
2024-25NoticeClick Here
16)ORPHAN Scholarship (State Government)2024-25Notice
17)MahaDBT Application Approved list year wise2018-19    2019-20
2020-21    2021-22
2022-23    2023-24
18)Caste Validity ApplicationSC, OBC, SBC, VJNTN.A.Click Here
19)Caste Validity ApplicationSTN.A.Click Here
20)Aadhar Card / Bank Link Status - Aadhar Seeding formOpen for allN.A.NoticeClick Here
21)Swami Dayanand Education FoundationOpen for all2024-25NoticeClick Here
22)Notice for Scholarship Students : 2021-22 Fee DifferenceNotice
23)MahaDBT Right to give up NoticeNotice
24)VJTI Scholarship Section Telegram GroupOpen for allN.A.Click Here
25)Scholarship provided by SNNJ Charitable Trust
& VJTI Alumni Association
B.Tech - Mechanical Engineering2024-25NoticeClick Here
26)Financial Aid/Scholarship provided by VJTI
Alumni Association
2024-25NoticeClick Here
27) IDFC FIRST Bank Engineering Scholarship2024-25NoticeClick Here
28)K. C. Mahindra Education Trust Only for Diploma Courses2024-25NoticeClick Here
29)Seva Sahayog FoundationFirst Year Degree
(Computer & I.T. branch Only)
2024-25NoticeClick Here
30)Reliance Foundation ScholarshipsFirst Year UG & PG students only2024-25UG Students
PG Students
Click Here
31)Notice and Application form for Financial AidFY Students (Degree & Diploma)2024-25NoticeClick Here
32)ONGC Merit ScholarshipFY Students (UG & PG Students)2024-25NoticeClick Here
33)Young Scholar Trust ScholarshipFirst Year, Second Year, Third Year Student(B.Tech)2024-25Click here
34)2021-22 Fee difference noticeOnly for those students who have taken admission in 2021-22Notice
35)Shashikant Sarada Merit-Based Scholarship for the year 2024-25Notice
36)AICTE YASHASVI (YOUNG ACHIEVER'S SCHOLARSHIP AND HOLISTIC ACADEMIC SKILLS VENTURE INITIATIVE) Scholarship SchemeDiploma/Degree : Civil, Chemical, Electrical, EXTC, Textile, MechanicalNotice
Click Here
37)Baroda Achievers Award2024-25Notice
38)Sir Ness Wadia Foundation's Scholarship
39)National Science Day 2025NoticeClick Here
40)Notice for SEBC Category StudentsSEBC2024-25NoticeClick Here

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